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Patrick O'Day

Experience - Knowledge - Common Sense
Putting kids first

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Why I'm running for reelection


It's been my honor to represent the community on the Exeter School Board for the past 19 years. Here's why I'm asking for your vote on March 11, 2025.

Maintain educational excellence


Like many families, the high quality of our school system was a key reason for moving to Exeter. My two daughters thrived at Main Street and Lincoln Street schools with solid academics in a nurturing environment that challenged them to grow and learn. The teachers and staff in our schools are amazing! We need to maintain our educational excellence.

Serve as a voice for the community

Creating a strong school system takes work and must match community needs. As a School Board member and chair, I've worked diligently to improve our schools. For example, I served as the Board's representative on a committee that launched a building expansion and a full-day kindergarten program. A key part of our success included parent surveys and community involvement. Our Board needs to listen to parent and community voices when making decisions for our kids.

Putting kids first

My passion for education has deep roots. After earning my Master's in education from Michigan State, I worked at Babson College as an educator before entering a PhD program in education at Indiana University. I've studied education, taught classes, and worked with children for many years. I strive to use my academic background and experience in education to help our Board and schools make the best educational decisions. I put kids first in every action I take as a Board member.

Prioritize academic progress

Remote learning resulted in learning loss for many. Years after the pandemic, some of our students continue to feel the impact. Our schools evaluated each student using nationally normed, valid and reliable testing. The Exeter School Board created two new teaching positions in Math and Reading to address learning needs. We have talented teachers in Exeter who engage our students! We need to closely monitor academic progress of each student so that no child is left behind and advanced students continue to be challenged.

Critically evaluate actions

As an attorney, I honed many skills in law school including creative problem solving, legal analysis and understanding different perspectives. In my work as an education law attorney, I represent students and families throughout New Hampshire who seek to challenge and redress unfairness in the school system. I often draw on these skills as a Board member when critically evaluating actions and decisions. I strive to support the needs of our kids and community by asking informed questions.


Addressing inequities

Exeter schools must respond to the needs of all kids. Yet some kids face obstacles to their educational access and inclusion. Our Board has collaborated with teachers and community members to identify and remove many roadblocks. However, this work takes vigilance and ongoing effort to meet the needs of all kids within our diverse community. 

Meet future needs

Our Exeter community shares a commitment to maintaining the quality of our schools. Although my two older girls are finished with primary school, I also have two young boys - one who attends Main Street School and another who will enter next year. What will the future hold for my younger son when he enters kindergarten? If there's one thing I've learned from my public service on the Exeter School Board, it's that our schools will continue to face new challenges.


As a Board member, I intend to face these future challenges as a creative problem solver who listens to parent and community voices, asks informed questions, draws upon my knowledge and experience in education, and makes common sense decisions guided by putting kids first. Thanks for your support!



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Patrick O'Day

© 2025 by Patrick O'Day for Exeter School Board

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